Aeropoxy Spartan Cruiser II
I think this one is finally finished. Windscreen and exhausts are now properly attached, and the tailplane struts and wires are now the right way round.
Airfix Mauretania
Another model I made as a teenager (and a fan of the ‘golden age’ transatlantic liners) the original would be a candidate for ‘one I made earlier’ if I knew where all the various bits of it were these days. This was a kit that I bought in Hornby’s Black Friday sale in 2016, so I’ve been relatively prompt in getting on with this one.
KP EoN Primary
Now has all its bracing wires and some control wires in place.
Mraz M-1c Sokol
Recently started. I did a Google image search for the registration G-AIXN (the example I’m making) and found a link to a photo of my home-made decal sheet in the ER July virtual meeting.
Welsh Models Vulcan
Having finished the Argosy, I needed a 1/144 RAF 4-engined post-war aircraft to build, so I went for this kit, which had been slightly-started by a previous owner. Just to make life difficult for myself I’m going for a B1A, as you might guess from the photo. Currently working on the starboard wing.
BAC 1-11
Back in the days when Top Toys in Andover were selling their BAC 1-11 kits for 69p each, I bought four of them, and sawed one up to provide a fuselage stretch for one of the others. For 40-ish years the remaining bits have been sitting in a spares box. The acquisition of a set of second-hand S&M decals for a BAC 1-11-200 with printed windows started me thinking… so patched up with plasticard and filler it is now as seen in the photo. Still a lot to do.
Airfix Sunbeam Rapiers
Having completed the one that Les V gave me, I’ve turned my attention to a couple of the old badly-made, badly-painted broken and incomplete ones that I had picked up in the past, armed with moulds taken from the Les kit before assembly. The bit in the middle shows the state of the rest of the parts of both, although the second one also has a layer of grime. The right-hand one has had its wheel arches hacked out for some reason.