Along time modeller, in nearly all subjects, I guess my Dad set the standard for me by building and painting the 1/32 Revell aircraft models for me for Christmas and Birthdays, all finished by brush! But as a sign writer he had the skills and patience for that.
I persuaded Beatties in Woodley (The original store next to Abbey National) to let me build their kits for Window Dressing, mainly American cars, dragsters and funny cars. I entered one competition around that time and got a highly commended for my Tamiya M-42 Duster, but didn’t enter any other competitions until I joined Earley Risers.
Otherwise, I dabbled with Warhammer during Covid, started an Instagram page for tips and tricks and ended up with around @2k followers and getting @1k likes per post during that time.
Post Covid, I met Jeff at Bovington Tank Museum Show on the Earley Risers stand next to the Sherman DD, then popped into a club meet and liked the vibe, and that got me back into the hobby in Real Life rather than on line.
Click here to see my Model Gallery