ERs stand (and Competition!) well supported at Abingdon's show

Abingdon 2024 was a great weekend for Earley Risers who were out in force on Saturday the stand was set up around 07.45 with Nige, Ewan, Dave and Jeff early doors, soon joined by Mick, Ian, and Peter, Robin, Rolland and Tim P. Hugh arrived after that as Les’s Uber, and it was great to see Sean, Simon, Steve and Liz all joining during the day. 

As you can imagine with such a gathering display space was at a premium and for the first time this year there was a great display of colour and variety on the automotive side provided by Dave, Ian, Robin and Hugh, Dave’s Aoshima Monkey Bike got Stu Fone’s attention, (It’s a re boxed Imai Dave) so we might see that in Airfix magazine’s Out and About. Otherwise, the stand was predominantly armour themed, except for Peter’s civilian airforce - as Tim P forgot his display models! 


As there was so many members present Earley Risers opted to use the Competition Room as an extension to our display area with interesting results. Nige, Mick, Ewan, Hugh and Dave put in Military 1/35 and ab ove, Diorama, Sci-fi, aircraft 1/48 and above.


Civilian, Maritime and Miscellaneous entries all which seemed to please the Judges. Mick achieved a class lockout with his Merkeva Mark IV (Gold), Churchill Mk 3 (Silver), Super Sherman (Bronze), with his M1142 FFT (Highly Commended).

Ewan’s M1A1 was Highly Commended and he picked up a Bronze for his Gundam Ashtray.


Hugh’s Para-bike gained a Silver medal, while Nige picked up a Gold for his Sea Dart launcher and Silver for the Rheintochter. With Highly Commended’s for his Triebflugel and Dragon Wagon. 


Overall, the show had a great atmosphere and with great exchanges and a lot of interest in various parts of the stand. It was great to see the level of support from Earley Risers, (15 attendees through the day), at one of our local model shows.




Words & pictures from 'The Nige'.

Competition Results



Mick - Merkeva MkIV

Mick - Churchill III

Mick - Super Sherman

Mick - M1142 FFT
H Commended

Nige - Sea Dart

Nige - Rheintochter

Nige - Dragon Wagon
H Commended

Nige - Triebflugel
H Commended

Hugh - Para-bike


Ewan - Gundam Ashtray

Ewan - Abrams
H Commended

  The Winners: Nige, Ewan, Hugh and Mick