Steve came down on Saturday afternoon to help BDAC set up the show and put our tables & cloths out. On an unusually sunny Sunday morning, we arrived at the BDAC Museum, to set up in front of the Avro 707 delta wing research aircraft. This was a great backdrop for the Earley Risers stand.
Jeff was the earliest Riser on stand, it was great to have him back at the shows, Steve was on hand and immersed in setting up the table competition for our hosts, so it was all action from 07:30 Ack-Emma.
On the stand for the day were Jeff, Andrey, Rollie, Peter, Ewan and Nige, along Tim P, so we all had plenty of time to tour the other clubs stands, the museum and the vendors including clubs’ under table sales. These were interesting and varied with some collections being sold through so there were some unique subjects and bargains to be had.

Very soon the hangar was vibrating to the sound of the WWII Harvard which was taking passengers and putting in an awesome radial soundtrack to the day with loops rolls and low passes, the field was busy with spectators and participants from 8:00am promising a busy day for all the clubs. In addition to the Harvard’s displays there was skydiving running through the day, with some Paragliders dropping by as we were packing up
Models that generated particular interest from the public (and Judges) on our stand were Tim’s Hastings, Andrey’s Jadgtiger & T-34-85, Peter’s builds, Jeff’s Chinese armour, and Steve’s German locomotive and flat car.
Competition entries were of a very, very high standard and judged in a similar format to our last club competition. The Honour of The Earley Risers was upheld by Ewan’s Astray Gundam in which he won the Miscellaneous class (and came second in the Best in Show class!).


Ewan seems to have suddenly realised that he's forgotten his hat!
Given the weather on the day if you hadn’t arrived in shorts, by midday you probably wished you had, the Hangers warmed up quickly but overall footfall because of the other activities remained strong throughout the day.
We had strong interest from a modelling family in our Club and a couple of other enquiries so it will be interesting to see if that generates club meeting visits.
‘The Nige’